CTI Coach Training: Synergy

This training marked the completion of the intermediate training for myself, and for the individuals who had started this regimen with me.  It was a turning point and a graduation of sorts. We had been part of several deep-dive trainings to move into a new arena of self-awareness as well as a new arena of evoking transformation in others. It was a very special moment.

The weekend was a bringing together of all that we had been learning, and for me, it was filled with additional deeper awakening moments. I had recently completed the process of establishing Archegos, and had begun to plot out the path toward a new chapter in my life with this new array of tools to unleash the potential in others.

The two biggest moments for me were centered around a meal and a morning run. One of my fellow Co-Active coaches-in-training had discovered an amazing Italian restaurant near our training facility and had invited all of us to enjoy a meal together to celebrate the milestone we had achieved together. When we gathered together, she leaned over to me and asked me to give some remarks to mark this moment and help us all to acknowledge and celebrate. I was reticent to speak, and I really felt overcome with doubts that I had anything to offer—I was in a room filled with incredible human beings who were not only overcoming and moving forward in their own lives in rich ways, but also charting a path to help others do the same. I deflected the opportunity, and then my classmate told me it would really mean a lot to her personally if I would share. I thought the world of this lady, and in that moment I realized that my life is not about me, but about what I am able to do for others for whom I deeply care. This lady is an incredibly gifted leader, and she had given me a two-fold gift by inviting me to give remarks and by reminding me that my remarks were less about ‘drawing attention to myself’ and more about drawing attention to how I could best serve others in drawing attention to the significance of the moment. I pray I never forget that lesson.

The second lesson for me as we practiced bringing it all together occurred during a morning run through DC with Jamie. I started thinking about all that might be possible with this whole coaching endeavor. I started thinking about the life that I might possibly be inviting current (and potentially future) children into. I started thinking about just how much this training I had received might mean for the end of extreme poverty and the ground that might be taken in eradicating other social ills (human trafficking, slavery, etc.). I shared this vision with my colleagues, and as I shared, the possibilities became more real. I am excited for the possible vision God has given me for how I can be a sign, a foretaste, and an instrument of His Kingdom come and as well as a vision of a more beautiful world for all.

When I think about all that happened with this small community of determined and courageous leaders, my heart overflows with gratitude. I’m grateful for the journey together, and I’m grateful for the skills and talents each of us discovered in that journey. At the same time, I have an expectant excitement when I think about what each of us has the opportunity to unleash in others as we move forward on our journey as coaches helping others to move forward in the battlefields of their lives.