As I continued my training, I knew that I wanted to push through to be able to complete as much of the training as possible with the amazing group of people with which I started this journey. In order to do that, I had to travel to the West Coast and conduct one part of my training at the international headquarters of Coaches Training Institute (CTI) in San Rafael, California.
Each time I have attended the trainings offered, I have been impressed with both the instructors and the people who are getting trained. These folks are facilitating so much good in the world, particularly for those in both the non-profit and for-profit arenas.
This course was almost like a new start in a new area with a whole new group of people. But, at the same time, there was something familiar about the group—aside from a couple of familiar faces who had also traveled to stay “on schedule” with their goals around Co-Active Coaching. People who came to this training were also coming from different countries and time zones, but the consistent ingredient was that each was bringing his/her whole self. I witnessed such incredible courage from a room full of relative strangers, and I found myself braver in consideration of what I wanted to do in this big world as well.
I learned a lot about myself during the course of this weekend, and it wasn’t at all what I expected. I expected to learn something about work/life balance or home/travel balance. What I gained was far different and far more of an asset. I came away from the training more deeply in tune with my role and my contributions to all of life as a leader. Not only that, but I was also equipped with skills that can help others do the same and be unleashed to go farther than they may have thought possible.